Let's Connect

The Earth is alive. She is not just some inanimate object to extract resources from. She is a sentient, intelligent being with whom we are always in relationship.

In the modern developed world we have been made to believe that we are separate, individuated beings. We have adopted a paradigm that "it is all on me, I have to fight for what I need and want, and no one is going to help me get there."

This has left us feeling isolated, unsafe, confused of where or how we belong in this world, and questioning our ability to make an impact or have our needs met.

The suffering that has come from this paradigm ranges from big personal challenges like depression, addiction, anxiety, and loneliness, to collective challenges like homelessness, disproportionate access to resources, and rampant environmental destruction.

It's time to dismantle the illusion of disconnection and anthropocentrism.

It's time to transform how we live--personally, collectively, and ecologically.

It's time to expand our spiritual capacity and recenter ecological sentience. It's time to Reconnect. 

Welcome to Sacred Roots Revival.

Walking in relationship to the Earth is like having an anchor always stabilizing you, helping you to feel rooted, strong, and powerful no matter what is happening around you. 

It's like having a friend, a guardian, an ally right there every moment of every day. No matter where you go or what you do, the Earth is always right there.

It's tapping into a power so great that you can feel the vibratory aliveness coursing through your own veins. 

It's looking outside and seeing friends and protectors all around you, every time you gaze upon a Cottonwood or pass by a Rose bush, or see a Hawk flying overhead.

It's having access to the dimension just beyond the ordinary, the one that transports you to the realm of Spirit, and yet allows you to feel grounded and safe in your body. 

Earth Reconnection is medicine for all aspects of your being from the mind, to the body, to the Spirit, to the emotional.

Revived Life 


1:1 and Self-Guided Earth Reconnection Journey 



Sacred Roots Revival is rooted in working with the cycles, elements, and wisdom of the Earth to support personal, spiritual, and ecological healing.

The Revived Life program encompasses 4 foundational "pillars", in tandem with the primary 4 directions of the medicine wheel, for living in flow, harmony, and right relationship with Mother Earth to reconnect with your truest, most innate nature of Self.

Click the button below to see the program details. 

Explore the Revived Life Offering

Welcome back to your true nature, in connection with the Earth. 

Hello! I'm Margo. I'm an Earth Reconnection Facilitator helping to create intentional, reciprocal relationship with the Earth to support personal healing, spiritual expansion, and ecological justice.


With a Masters in Environmental Sustainability and over two decades of working with psychedelics, I found that the root of my own suffering was interwoven with the root of the climate crisis: that the majority of western society lives in a paradigm of disconnection and separation from Mother Earth and from the sacredness of life.


A lifetime of spiritual starvation initiated me on a deep journey healing from addiction, chronic depression, and chronic illness beginning in 2017 by turning to therapeutic work with plant medicine and ancient spiritual traditions. 


Holding certifications in somatic plant medicine integration, transformational addiction recovery coaching, essentials of IFS, and my own deep work of dieting Amazonian Master Teacher plants and working with sacred plant medicines, I interweave somatic exploration, parts work, plant medicine allyship, and shamanic energetics in 1:1 facilitation programs, self-guided courses, and virtual & in-person gatherings.


I am continuously learning how to walk in right relationship with the Earth, expanding my capacity of holding space for others in their process of healing and transformation, and learning with sacred plant allies to ever deepen into the awe of the Great Mystery that is life & consciousness, Earth & Spirit. 


More about me

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